Monday, February 6, 2012

King, Lance - "A Moment in Chiros"

King, Lance - A Moment in Chiros
2011, Nightmare

111. A Sense of Urgency
222. Awakening
333. Manifest Destiny
444. A Given Choice
555. A Moment in Chiros
666. Dance of Power
777. Kibou
888. Infinity Divine
999. Joy Everlasting
10:10. Sacred Systems
11:11. Transformation

I'm sorry - everytime I look at the title for this album my brain says A Moment in Cheerios and I see Lance standing in front of a giant Cheerio. Anyways, like most of the CDs I got for Christmas this year A Moment in Chiros is a grower. It's sort of a concept album about searching for enlightenment and what not. It's a quite a solid, enjoyable album. Lance King's voice is a joy to listen to, as always. There's only two things I don't care for. First - while I appreciate (and agree with) the sentiment expressed in "Kibou," it's kind of slow and boring and doesn't really do anything for me. Second, your mileage may vary in regards to the spoken word parts. I usually don't like spoken word passages in anything and these seemed a little cheesy to me. Still, I quite enjoy A Moment in Cheerios... er... Chiros.

Useless Fact: "Kibou" is a song for those affected by the earthquake in Japan. Also, the liner notes indicate that this album was finished at 11:11 on 11/11/11. Pretty cool!

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