Velocipede - ...Sane
1994, REX
1. Blue Skies
2. Don't You Lose It
3. The Lost World
4. I Catch My Breath/I Let it Go
5. This Way
6. Why Not Now
7. One More Time
8. Just Like You
9. Never, Never, Never
10. Sane
Velocipede sort of snuck onto the scene in late, late '94 and disappeared just as quickly. I got it originally because it was on REX and back then I bought almost everything on REX. Some of the reason this wasn't popular was because it isn't quite metal and it's not quite alternative either. It kind of treads the water between both genres. I hated it when I got it on tape all those years ago. In fact... hate is not strong enough a word - I was disgusted with it. However, that was mostly because the production on this disc is abysmal. ABYSMAL. If I didn't know any better I'd say they just recorded vocals over demo material because the vocals are pretty clear. The drums and guitars are all buried and the cymbals are tinny... it's really too bad. The guitars have that cool jet-fuzz distortion that, with proper production, could have lent a shoegazer-esque "wall of sound" characteristic to the album and made it better. Also, listening to this in my old age I actually enjoy what's going on here. I think the songs are pretty good and there's some decent hooks to be had. I love the trippy "This Way" and the vocals are passionate and powerful. Though "One More Time" and "Just Like You" sound like they share the same riff. From what I've read the few people who have heard of this disc hate it but if you're like me and you like stuff off the beaten path you should check it out. As a bonus it's dirt cheap these days.
Useless Fact: The producer is listed as "Skinny." Choir fans know that this was drummer Steve Hindalong's alias before he started calling himself "Indie Hindie." So the question remains, did Steve Hindalong produce this disc? If so why in the world does it sound like it does? It was recorded at Neverland studios so I'm pretty sure they could have done a better job. Maybe the poor mixing was done on purpose but I can't imagine why. Oh... and a "velocipede" is a bicycle. Plain explanation, but cool name for a band... sounds like a bug...